Angels Unawares

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares" - Hebrews 13:2

Who We Are!

IAngels Unawares is a non-profit organization that shines a beacon of hope and delivers good news to those in need—embodying compassion for youth, seniors, and individuals facing hardships. With a mission rooted in uplifting spirits and fostering a positive outlook, Angels Unawares stands as a steadfast source of support, offering assistance and spreading joy to individuals across generations.

Angels for Youth

In a world where education is the key to unlocking a brighter future, Angels for Youth stand tall and are dedicated to empowering children and youth. With their unwavering commitment to providing scholarships, educational resources, tutoring, school supplies, and back-to-school fairs, they become the guiding light for young minds, illuminating the path to success and fostering a love for learning. Join hands with Angels for Youth to create a world where every child has the opportunity to soar and realize their full potential.

Angels for Seniors

With the embrace of Angels for Seniors, the journey of aging becomes a shared experience of compassion, support, and empowerment. By providing financial resources, assisting with government programs, and fostering companionship, Angels for Seniors create an environment where Seniors thrive and Caregivers are empowered! Through their dedication, they remind us that caring for our elders is not only a responsibility but a privilege, for in their wisdom lies the essence of our collective heritage.

Angels for Hope

Angels for Hope stands as a testament to the profound impact compassion can have on the lives of those in need. With their unwavering dedication, they provide shelter, nourishment, education, mental health resources, and hope to individuals who face adversity. Their efforts not only address immediate needs but also empower individuals, especially women to overcome obstacles and build better futures. Angels of Hope serve as inspiration to us all, reminding us that together, we can create a world where compassion and support are readily available to every person in need.

Girls & Boys Youth Exposure Sessions

Please submit the parents' contact information along with your child's name, age and school. Go to CONTACT PAGE and leave info. You will be contacted with more information. The sessions will fill up fast! 2023 Schedule Girls-Boys Saturdays in Sept/Oct


Help make a meaningful difference in the lives of youth, seniors, and those in need. Your donation can provide essential support, resources, and opportunities to empower these vulnerable individuals and uplift their spirits.